Specially designed for you

We have a portfolio of holistic services offered by professional facilitators in all areas of personal growth,
in order to strengthen our community.



+ INFO +57 321 507 71 21

“Management is a social process that carries with it the responsibility of efficiently planning and regulating operations of a project, to achieve a given purpose. It is the science of directing and inspiring others to move forward, based on a deep listening of human nature. It is a technique that allows us to determine, classify, and achieve goals and objectives.”



+ INFO +1 7866930666

We strive to enrich the lives of our clients and audiences through the production of transformational events & multimedia content based upon personal and collective well-being. We can help you bring your vision, business, or event to the next level through our diverse services and strategies.”



+ INFO +1 7866930666

“We generate real connections between our brands and people; We help companies and entrepreneurs to develop their own brand culture, internalize it and create experiences to communicate them, through digital tactics in marketing design.”


holistic services FOR your wellbeing


We create experiences for self-realization & self-consciousness through the implementation of ancestral wisdom, modern knowledge, and diverse methodologies for human growth.

Our offerings:

  • Holistic life coaching for individuals and organizations
  • Variety of therapies according to the patient
  • Worldwide distance healing sessions and consultations
  • Integration programs to process your spiritual awakening

    The Lotus Sanctuary


    If you need guidance, healing, or help in your life, whether it be for physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual reasons, we can assist you”

    Ceremony is an ancient and powerful way of healing through reconnecting with our true nature. There are many forms of ceremony, and they are generally rooted in Indigenous cultures and cosmovisions.

     Below you will find some of the ceremonies we can connect you with:

    • Cacao Ceremonies

    • Weaving of the word

    • Sound & Movement Ceremonies

    Integrative Traditional Medicine


    FEEL THE RESTORATION OF ENERGY AND CLARITY: Abundant fresh pure energy.  


    • Individualized Diet and Lifestyle suggestions based on Traditional Indigenous medicine concepts of health and balance.

    • Traditional use of formula(s) for the rejuvenation process.

    • Ideal for preventative care, rejuvenating the body and seasonal cleansing. 

    Holistik Therapies


    • ONLINE SESSIONS: Reiki, Channeling, Sound therapy, Dance therapy, Breathing exercises, Emotional release techniques, Regressions and guided meditations.
    • SOUL JOURNEY PHOENIX REBIRTH: Close cycles with toxic habits, negative thought patterns, emotional blockages and attaching relationships.
    • SEXUAL COACH AND NATURAL CYCLES MENTOR:  Practices, meditations and conscious breathwork to integrate th power of our sexuality and the importance of the reconnection with our inner cycles.

    Conscious Movements Institute


    Explore four systems of human growth that promote the expansion of consciousness from a transpersonal approach.

    • Cognitive Movement: Thoughts and Mental Limits 
    • Emotional Movement: Expression and Balance 
    • Relational Movement: Affective Order and Affective Exploration
    • Body Movement: Relaxation and tension 
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